Saturday, July 3, 2010


I've found lately that i am becoming more and more bilingual. What is my second language, you ask?! Baby-ese. And let me tell you that, yes indeed, it IS a language all of it's own.

I used to see and talk to my friends babies, and i never had any idea what they were saying. I would get, maybe, 1 or 2 out of every 15 words...and even those were wrong half the time. But their moms always knew what they were saying, clear as day. I always wondered what that would be like,and now i know.

It's as if i've emmersed myself into a different culture, and i'm slowly picking it up as i go. Now, when we're out somewhere, i can usually understand a good chunck of what Mady is saying while nobody else has half a clue. It kinda makes me feel special, in an odd kinda way, hahaha.

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