Monday, July 25, 2011

A pretty busy time...

So it's been a while since i've blogged, i know.
We've had a lot going on.
Last week i lost my Grandmother.
She was a great woman that was loved by many.
Also, our really good friends were in from Florida all last week.
So we've been very busy running around a lot.

On another note, this heat has been a killer lately.
Thank god we have a pool, or i think we would have all melted!
But it seems to have turned my kids into power sleepers at night

I think it could be that Mady has been sleeping in our bed at night the past few days.
We had an AC go down, so Mady doesn't have one in her room, so we've let her sleep with us to stay cool.
Thank god we got the bigger bed finally!
And Em always ends up cuddling with me in bed around 6am.
So it could be the cool air, it could be the new bed...
I'm not sure, but i need to figure it out.
If i could get these kids to power sleep in their OWN rooms, i would be the happiest mommy in the world!
I would get kicked, drooled on, layed on and otherwise mauled all morning long.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...