Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Caffine buzz...

Being at the school from 8am to 9pm is really starting to give me a headache.
And no, it's not just from the kids.
I need my caffine fix during the day, and i'm not getting it here.
I've been trying to be really good,
you know, setting a good example for the kids.
I've been drinking tons and tons of water here at work.
But after a day or two, i am CRAVING a coke!
My head even starts to hurt.
So i have to try to make it a point to bring one everyday and keep them in my fridge so i can have my fix.
Man, saying that makes me feel like a junky.
Well, i guess i am...a caffine junkie!

I was on my way home the other day and they were doing one of those questions on the radio where they have tons of people call in and weigh in with their suggestions/responses.
The question i heard was this:
"Would you give up your cell phone to your waitress for your whole meal (not getting it back until you get your check) in exchange for a 5-10% discount off your bill.
There are a few restaurants doing this because they feel people aren't connecting at dinner like they should be, what with texting and internet on phones and such, and they think this will solve the problem.
There were people for and against it, and every side had good arguments.
For me personally, i wouldn't want to.
I don't normally talk on my phone or text during meals anyway.
And to me, if i'm with my family i don't have time to check my phone anyway...
And if, on the slim chance, it's only Frank and I,
i feel like i want my phone right with me in case of emergency at home.
Yes, i know people would know where we were eating and they could call there, but it's a long "all the way around" process, and in an emergency time is of the essence.
What do you think? Would you give it up or no?

1 comment:

Aunt Marian said...

ofelhp 16I would shut mine off but, like you , I don't feel the need to talk or text while I am eating. At first I thought it was a good idea to give your phone over. Then the cynical, paranoid part of me made her presence known. How do you know what they are doing with your phone while they have it? Calling China? Texting everyone they know? Surfing the net? All on my dime. And that doesn't even touch on some of the gross things I came up with! (That was from the paranoid me)! LOL!!!!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...