Well, as i wrote yesterday, i was trying that whole new dessert idea...the fruit and milk smoothie. Well, by the time i got around to dessert tonight, i was totally craving something sweet, and by sweet i think i mean chocolate because i made one of those Beetty Crocker Warm Delights desserts...and WOW was that good! It really hit the spot. Did that count as a craving actually, i don't know.
Still no morning sickness. I am a bit frightened by this, but i am still tired and i still have sore boobs, so i'm keeping my hopes as high as i can. Maybe i will be one of the lucky ones that DOESN'T get sick...oddly enough, i was kind-of looking forward to it! I still have time though i guess. My first appointment isn't until next thursday (21st), and i can't wait. I'm hoping when i get there and all is said and done, my little peanut will be ok and i won't have anything to worry about. I think i am just too paranoid...over everything. Not everyone is the same...not everyone gets EVERY symptoms...wow, it's really easy to tell myself that, but it's really hard to believe it.
You're making yourself crazy for no reason! :)
I wasn't sick, even once, with Riley Kate. Never felt nauseous, except when I was 8 months pregnant and got a virus. But no morning sickness, ever. And I only gained ten pounds. Normal delivery, easy baby, very smart. :)
But I was deathly ill with Connor and with this baby, and only "mild to medium" sick with Reagan and Rory. Actually, come to think of it, with Reagan, and I don't think I ever actually vomited, except of course, when I got a virus. Same with Ror. I FELT sick sometimes, but I didn't really throw up.
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