Our weekend here was absolutely wonderful. Well, at least i think so, but i know Frank doesn't agree. He doesn't like the heat very much at all, but i absolutely love it. And this weekend was a great start to that heat wave i've been so craving for what seems like forever lately. It was in the upper 80s on friday and saturday, and in the 90s yesterday...and today and tomorrow seem to be promising as well.
Saturday, we took Mady to Knoebels. It was opening day, so it was a bit crowded, but not as bad as i thought it would be. We walked around and ate, and she seemed to have a good time looking at all the people and being outside. Then we went out to eat later, but it was just too nice to be inside at all.
Yesterday we went to Sam's club. I love Sam's club. They are a conglomerate genius! The deals there are completely amazing, it's no wonder i don't spend all my money there. But taking Frank along with us is a sure bet that we just MIGHT spend all our money there. I love him dearly, don't get me wrong, but he is like a giant walking kid when it comes to places like that. "Let's get this", "Can we have that", buy buy buy, spend spend spend. And you can't talk any sense into the man. He picks something up and sets his mind on it, and that's all there is to it. A good example, he picked up a bag of like 150 mozz sticks and says "Let's get them". Now, we do in fact eat mozz sticks, but only like once a month, and only like 6 at a time. What in the world would i want with a bag of 150?! He looks at the ginormous box of turkey burgers...we don't even EAT turkey burgers! He doesn't understand that just because it's a good deal, doesn't make it a good deal for US! We go there mainly for diapers and formula. It's such an amazing deal, you can't turn it up. It's 200+ diapers for the same price as 100 diapers at Wal Mart. The only bad thing is that they get random sizes in, so you have to catch them on the right week. This time we needed either size 2 or size 2-3, since our little peanut is only 14lbs, and they didn't have either of those sizes. We ended up buying size 3's, and we'll just buy a few packs of the 2's at WalMart to get us in between. We also bought a small case of the little swimmers diapers, so she can be ready for the pool and the boat. I'm so excited for summer!!
Then we went to Wal Mart last night for groceries. I am growing to hate WalMart. There are 25 or more check out lanes there, and the most i've ever seen open at one time was 5. That's right, 5. The lines are at least 6 people deep, and people have full carts (not just 10 items or less), so you are pretty much guaranteed a 15+min wait in line just to check out. And it's not like they don't have the man power to open anymore lanes. I see plenty of employees just standing around, talking, pretending to price check or something. Open a lane people! Most of us don't have forever here. And then you get the people that only have a few items, and you think you're going to go fast for once, but then they pull out coupons and ads from other stores and all kinds of other annoying things, and they end up taking longer than the people with the cart loads. There should be a line for people who want to price haggle more than 3 items. Seriously people, have that stuff ready when you get to the front of the line, you have plenty of time in line to do it. Argh! No pent up frustrations against WalMart THIS week, nope, not from me!