Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Snoozin like her mommy...

Last night when i layed Mady down for bed, i could totally see myself in her. Not the little cries because she wanted to stay awake just a little bit longer, and not the staring at the mobile and the pretty lights on the ceiling. But the part where she fell asleep. She was laying on her tummy, yes you read that right, i said her tummy. She had her arm up under her head, and her one leg's pretty much exactly how i sleep. It was so weird! Good thing though, i was beginning to wonder if she really was my know, since EVERYONE says she looks like Frank. It's true, i know, but it's nice to know she has at least some of my traits.

And what is with the weather?! We were just getting used to the nice warm temps, and all of a sudden it drops 20 degrees? What the heck! As you can tell, i'm ready for summer already. I'm also ready for school to be over so i can spend every minute i have with Mady, but that's a whole other story all together.

Tonight i'm baking cupcakes for the bake sale to benefit the little girl who got attacked by the dog in the Heights. I feel bad for her and her family, as she needs plastic surgery and stuff and they don't have a lot of money. But at the same time, i don't think that dog should be put down. Not to be mean or critical to that poor little girl right now, but who lets 2 9 year olds walk a Bull Mastiff?! That's a large dog, and unsupervised little girls can't handle it. And i'm sure those little girls did something to that dog to make it turn on them, though they'll never tell anyone that they did. A well mannered dog, like this dog's owner said this dog was, would not turn on someone for no reason. I just find it all a bit fishy, and i think that that poor dog is going to pay the price for no reason at all. It's all just very very sad if you ask me. There has to be a better way.

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