Why is it that my dog likes to jump the fence and run around town without me?! It can't be because he's hungry, because he eats like a pig at home, and people are always giving him treats. It can't be because he's love starved, because he is always paid attention to, and he gets his own spot on our bed for crying out loud! And it surely can't be because he likes to play in the rain puddles, because he makes those in our own yard, and he likes those just fine.
So why then, would our wonderful dog jump the fence and run around town, making me chase him? I guess it's like the question "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop"...the world may never know.
In other news, Mady is now officially into her 3-6 clothes. I know, i know, about time! But we're getting there at our own pace i guess. She is in her 3-6 onesies, because her 0-3 ones are too small in the leg area, not anything else. And we've started putting her in some of her 3-6 sweaters (and rolling up the sleeves) because by the time she fits in those things just right, it'll be too warm for them. So might as well get use out of them! She looks adorable though :) Pictures to come soon!
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