I'm shocked, flabbergasted, and down-right amazed. That's right. And do you want to know why?! It's all because of my favorite show, House.
She doesn't just eat, she likes to wear it too...this is what i get for letting her help feed herself, lol.
Here, we were having "Mady/Mommy dress alike day", hahaha
For those of you who have never seen the show, let me catch you up briefly. House is about a brilliant, genius doctor and his staff. There are three staff members that he oversees, one "manager" type person that used to work for him but now works WITH him, his best friend (the oncologist) and the head of the hospital. Well, these people work really well together. They make the show so interesting and personable...and it's such a great dynamic. Well, last night (be prepared if you DO watch it, i'm about to spoil last night's episode)...they had one of the main characters, Kuttner (one of the staff members that works under House) shot himself! I couldn't believe it! I totally didn't even see it coming. I don't know how they're going to replace him, or what they're going to do to fill his void. This is terrible!
And what about the snow we got this morning?! Seriously people, it's April! It's supposed to be in the 50s and 60s, and overcast...not 30s and 40s and snow and freezing cold wind. This is making for a very backed up season for us. Back-to-back games, here we come.
Here is a few new pics of Madylinn...
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