Friday, April 17, 2009

Room to move...

So last night, i decided to try something new with Mady. I knew this day would come eventually, and i was actually dreading it...but i figured, she's sick, she's up already, what's the worst that could happen. So i did it. I put Mady to bed without swaddling her. Yup, you read that right. And to my pleasant surprise, she slept through the night! I was surprised, happy and proud all at the same time. She is really growing up too too fast. And she likes to sleep on her side, so hopefully that will help the hair on the back of her head start to grow in as fast as the hair on the top of her head.

In other news, Mady has had 4 doses of her medicine, and she is starting to sound better already. Granted, she is still coughing and she still sounds congested, but it's all better than it was on wednesday. Only 16 more doses to go!

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