Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We had Mady's 1 year appointment with the doctor yesterday. She is growing like a little weed, but not as fast as i thought she was. She is 19lbs 6oz and 29 1/4 inches tall. Frank thinks she needs to be eating more, and of course he won't listen to me when i talk, so i had the doctor set him straight. He told him that she will eat when and what she wants, and it probably won't be a lot since she is a little girl and has a little tummy. He still doesn't believe me that she is fine. I guess he wants her to be a blimp by her 2nd birthday. Mady also had her first dose of the seasonal flu shot yesterday. She has to go back in 4 weeks for the other dose. It makes me feel better to know she has it, since so many people are sick right around now. I'm still not totally sure about the H1N1 shot thought. I know our ped says it's recommended, but it's so new and it hasn't been totally tested or anything yet. I just don't want to expose her to something i don't know that much about. I wish i knew the right thing to do. Hopefully i'll figure it out before they have the shots available.

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