Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's good for the goose...

This saying is very prevelent in our house these days. Since Mady's first birthday, she has been eating "big girl" food, which is really just food that Frank and I eat. Knowing that she is going to be eating what we eat, when we eat and how we eat, i made an executive decision. We are going to eat better so we can set a good example for Madylinn. This wasn't exactly easy for us. Not that we eat that bad all the time, but we don't always eat as healthy as we should. Well, we've started to now. And i make sure that Mady does too, at every meal. She eats lots of fruit and veggies, and balanced meals every day. And the days when Frank and I decide we are going to eat UN-healthy, we bought Mady her own toddler dinners so she can still have a balanced meal. But for the most part, it's making us eat healthier too, which is a good thing overall. We all, also, sit down at the dinner table together and eat all our meals. It's really nice. You would think we were a family, lol.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...