Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ashes to ashes...

Today, as you all know, is Ash Wednesday. To us Christians, it's the beginning of the Lent season. It's a day where you only eat 2 small meals and 1 regular meal all day long, no snacking. It's the beginning of no meat fridays. It's also the beginning of the "giving something up" days, which lasts a whopping 46 days.
Now, for most people, this isn't a big deal. For me, on the other hand, it usually is. Giving things up for lent is difficult for me, but i guess that's why its a sacrifice. If it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be a big deal to give it up, and therefore it wouldn't be worth the time and i'd have to find something else to give up.
So what, you ask, is the thing that pains me so much for these 46 days? Soda. I know. It's totally lame, and really shouldn't be this addictive. But it is. Soda to me, is like nicotine to smokers. I go through withdrawl and everything! I get headaches, and i get really crabby...yes, more so than usual! And poor Frank has to deal with it. He tells me every year "Don't give up soda, because then I have to suffer right along with you". But yet i still give it up. Mainly because it IS suffering for me, as lame as that sounds. And that is the whole point of Lent, to give something up that you love, and suffer, just like Jesus did for us during this time.
So it's farewell to soda for 46 days. I will miss you old friend!

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