Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's been a hard days night...

No, this post isn't about the Beetles, though i may have led you to believe that. This post is about the horrible night Frank and I had last night. It wasn't just horrible, it was down right ugly. Let me start at the beginning...

Neither Frank nor I felt too great yesterday, but neither of us said anything to the other one, mostly because we didn't think too much of it. We both went to work and went about our days. I left work, and sent him my customary "i'm leaving now" text, so he would know when i left, just in case. Well, a few minutes later i got this "retrieved" text (which is just really a text that he sent while my phone was turned off, and it was just getting to me then). Well, the text said that Mady was at my mom's house, and he was really sick. Hmmm. So i sent him another message that asked him if Mady was still at my moms, and he replied with a "yes, i'm dying". So needless to say, i had to call my mom and tell her i was on my way home, not to worry. Well, i got to my mom's and picked Mady up. We went home, i folded a quick load of laundry, and then i took her up to bed. Frank was already in bed when we got home. I changed Mady, and as i was rocking her to bed, Frank emmerged from the bedroom in a sick haste. As i was putting Mady down, i heard him seriously puking in the bathroom, it was so gross! I felt pretty bad for him, it sounded like no fun at all. Well, i got a drink, got changed, and went to bed myself. Frank felt bad that he was so restless and up and down so much, that he went downstairs to sleep for the night. I had just started to dose off, when it hit me, like a mac truck at 100 mph. Wow, was i sick. Needless to say, without going into graphicly disgusting detail, that we took turns being sick for most of the night. But because his sickness started earlier in the evening, he was feeling better by around midnight, so he got some sleep. I, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. I didn't stop puking until around 7am. I finally fell asleep (for more than 20min) and it felt like only 10min and Mady was awake.

Seriously, i wanted to die. Thank god we are both feeling better today. I have no idea what could have caused it. Whether it was a virus, food poisoning, or what. Whatever it was, it's definately welcome to never, NEVER come back!

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