Friday, January 6, 2012

Could is work?!

So just this week, it's happened.
A day i swore i'd never see come...
But definately a day i was looking forward to.
Yes, that's right folks...
It's the day where my kids start napping at the same time!!!!!!!
It all started Wednesday afternoon.
Em had skipped her morning nap (by her own choice).
I decided that i would wait until after her lunch to try to get her to nap.
Both Em and Mady both at lunch at the same time.
Then i took Mady up for her nap, and came back down to see what i could do with Em before she became the crank of West Cameron.
No sooner did i pick her up, than she was asleep!
So i had a brilliant idea.
I took her upstairs to her crib and layed her down in there.
Wouldn't you know it, it worked!!
For 2 hours, both girls napped.
It was like heaven.
Dont get me wrong, i love my girls, but this was a miracle!
I made dinner without pulling kids away from the stove the whole time.
I got a shower, ALONE!
I got dressed without having to stop every 2 minutes to dance with/entertain the girls.
I loved it!!
And then, Wednesday night, Mady had a sleepover party at "Grammy Joanne's" house,
so Em got to go to sleep at a regular hour, and she slept 12 1/2 hours!!!
I thought it was only a fling, since Mady wasn't there to wake her up for either the nap or the sleep.
Then, Em took a 2 hour nap on Thursday!!
And then, last night (thursday night into friday), she slept 12 hours again!!
AND...they both napped at THE SAME TIME today, and for 1 1/2 hours!!
This is something i could totally get used to!!

1 comment:

Aunt Marian said...

Thank God for little miracles.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...