Monday, January 9, 2012

So much for that!

Well, i knew it couldn't last.
I never would have thought it would have been that short lived though.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Em was napping like a champ!
A good 2 hour nap during the day, AND sleeping in in the morning!
Well, Saturday came along, and so did the old Em.
Up at 7, napped maybe 45min all day long.
And today, i thought i could force her back into schedule.
She screamed in her crib for an hour before finally passing out to sleep (she was waaaaaaaaay over tired, before you report me for neglect or anything...she was in a screaming kinda mood, so her crib was about the safest place for her)
And i think she would have slept for over an hour too, if i could have let her.
But wouldn't you know it, she has to fall asleep right before it's time for me to leave for work!
So i had to wake her up and take her to the babysitters house, and low and behold, she was good and awake then!
This is definately one of the memories that i will NOT look back on fondly when the kids are older.

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