Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year, new you?!

So here we are, another year gone.
And now it's 2012.
Where are the flying cars that everyone always said we would be using by now?
Where are the robot butlers like the Jetson's?
Where are the time traveling devices so we can go back in time and see our parents when they were little, and intervene in their lives...oh wait, now i'm slipping into a little Back to the Future.

Our New Year has been, well, about the same as the old year so far.
Nothing too important has happened yet, but then again it's only 3 days in so far.
Frank and I managed to stay awake to watch the ball drop on tv.
I'd say that's a pretty good accomplishment with 2 kids wearing you out all day long and then getting you up early in the morning.
We made steak and bacon wrapped scallops and baked potatoes for dinner.
We gave the girls baths.
We watched some bowl games on tv.
We had some beers.
We played some Just Dance 3 on the Wii.
It was a really fun, low key evening.

We didn't really make any resolutions for the new year.
Every year we try to think of some really good resolutions that would be great to do.
Then, like a week into the year, we stop doing them.
It happens every year without fail.
I think we set our goals too lofty.
So this year we didn't really set any major goals.
Mostly, we just want to make sure we are spending time with the girls as much as possible, putting them first instead of stupid little things that can definately wait until later.
That sounds simple enough, but you'd be surprised how caught up in things you can get, and before you know it, a huge chunk of time has gone by and the girls are sitting around watching tv or being bored while i cleaned or did laundry.
It's time to play first and clean second.
The girls are only going to be little for a short time.
There is going to come a day where they DON'T want to sit with me and cuddle.
There is going to come a day when i am a HUGE DORK to them.
There is going to come quite a few days where it's just me at home all day long by myself because all the kids are in school.
I can keep the house as clean as i want to, then!
I can lounge around and do nothing if i want to, then!
But for now, i want to re-become the parent i used to be when it was just the 3 of us.
It seems that adding a child makes it really difficult to spend quality time with either of them.
There's just always something to do.
Well, enough of that.
Be prepared folks, for a dirtier house (well, not too much i hope)!
Be prepared folks, for less walking room in my house due to toys and games!
Be prepared folks, for SUPER MOMMY!!! (or her faithful sidekick, AS BEST AS I CAN BE MOMMY)!

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