Friday, May 25, 2012

It's almost pool time!

So most of you know, we had to fix our pool this year.
After the floods last fall, we had some damage around the pool, and we didn't want to damage it any worse by using it without fixing it.
So this past Sunday we emptied the whole thing and Frank got in and fixed what needed to be fixed.
Then, over the course of this whole week, we've been slowly refilling the pool.
Well, in a few short hours, the pool will be totally full again and ready to use.
So of course, we wanted to make sure this didn't happen again.
But also, we wanted to make it look really "fancy" around the pool too, you know, curb appeal.
So we're creating a flower bed around the pool, but we're making it an extra large one.
We borrowed my Uncle's truck to haul some dirt to fill in around the pool.
Up until today we had about 3/4 of a ton in.
Today, i've been superwoman.
I hauled and unloaded 1 1/2 tons BY MYSELF!
I shoveled all the dirt INTO the truck by myself, and i shoveled it all OUT by myself.
And, to top it all off, i got it all out using a 4 gal bucket to get it up to the pool.
Why didn't i just pull in close to the pool and shovel it off, you ask?!
I tried that, and the ground was a bit soft from all the rain and i sorta couldn't get the truck up the grass.
So i hauled those 4 gal buckets about 50 yards up from the truck to the pool, and then back down to refill.
Man am i tired!
And my blisters have blisters.
But it's coming along nicely, i think.
We still have a bunch more to do, but it's a start!
Look, it's full!
It still has to come up about a foot higher, but it's a start


Aunt Marian said...

You are AWESOME!!!!

Mom said...

That's my baby ( super ) girl . You rock !!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...