Why go to the World Health Organization webpage, when you can come here? Who are you going to trust, people with an MD after their name, or someone who plays peek-a-boo and patty cake all day?! The answer is obvious, my friends.
I recently read that they believe they found "Patient Zero" in Mexico, yet they are delaying closing the border. What is it going to take people?! We have a pandemic on our hands here!
For those of you who are worried about how to prevent the spread of this piggy flu, i am going to give you some helpful tips to pretect yourself and your family:
1) Wear a mask. Nothing like keeping panic to a minimum than by walking outside like you were just infected with SARS. Michael Jackson got the message. He'll be safe. He'll be our leader when this whole thing finally ends and there are only a few people left. Here are a few suggestions:
2) Invest in some stylish clothing options, to help keep the swine at bay. Here are some options for you:
3) Don't touch your mouth or face after touching doorknobs, public restroom faucets, money, or anything that has been on a VH1 Reality TV show. Not only will you contract Swine Flue, but there's a good chance you will also get Hep C and Herpes
4) Stay away from Mexico. Unless you happen to be named Heidi and Spencer, and are there on your honeymoon. In that case, i suggest you participate in a running of the pigs excursion. I'm sure you'll be fine!
5) And lastly, whatever you do, totally freak out and panic, because you WILL DIE!!
Thank you. Be safe, and good luck!
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