Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1 day down...

So yesterday was our first day at home alone without daddy.
I thought it was going to be very difficult, but it actually wasn't all that bad.
It's definately a challenge trying to figure out playing with Mady and keeping an eye/ear on baby.
And when Em is awake, it's a bit harder to be outside playing with Mady.
I'm sure i'll figure something out soon enough though.
I'm not the first person in the world to have 2 kids, afterall.
And our day was broken up because we had Em's first doctors appt at 1:30.
She was 19 3/4"(up 1/4") and 7lbs 10oz(down 4oz).
We managed to get there only 10min late, which is really good for me!
When it was just me and Mady, we were usually at least that late, so i think i'm making progress.
It's definately going to take some time to get adjusted to everything, but i wouldn't trade it for the world.
I love my girls!

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