Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My own personal lent...

Today begins my own personal lent. Now, lent is hard for me. It's a time when you're supposed to give up something your really love for 40 days, and then after the time is over, you get to have it again. Well, needless to say i'm not necessarily giving anything up (aside from any alcohol what-so-ever, being skinny, running fast, sleeping through the night, knowing what my feet and ankles look like, HAVING feet and ankles, being able to go from a laying position to a standing position without effort, carrying things, etc). But in 40 days, i will have a beautiful baby to love forever! That makes it all worth it, but sometimes it's hard to focus on the end result when you are still going through all the wonderfulness that is pregnancy. This should count as extra with the church. I thought it was hard giving up soda for lent this past year...well let me tell you, this one tops it all!
Speaking of the church, we've finally been able to make our appointment with the priest to have our "pre-baby/pre-christening" class. I wanted to get this out of the way over the summer when i actually had time, but our priest didn't seem interested in doing it that soon. He wanted to wait till after the baby was born. What was he going to tell me then?! So after some bugging and constant calling, we got an appointment for next tuesday. I don't think he's happy about it, but oh well, this is my baby. All he really needs to tell us is the new rules that the catholic church has come up with to make everything difficult...i mean, the new rules for having god parents. I must say though, the priest must have sensed that i was not having all this waiting and i was very impatient and all, because when Frank talked to him on the phone last night, he called us some of his "Star" paritioners..yea baby, thats us. I wonder, with him not being able to have kids or anything like that, does he realize how hectic it is after you have a baby? I mean, i don't have kids yet myself, so i'm sure I don't even totally realize what it's going to be like, but i'm sure it's going to take some getting used to and some adjustment...and i don't want to have to worry about making a class if i don't feel good or something. I just wanted to get this class out of the way and then make the appointment for the christening as soon as possible. Is that too much to ask?!
We have officially finished the nursery. I know i've said it was done before, and it was, but now all the "junk" is up off the floor. All the swings/seats/etc are put where they need to go for when baby girl gets here, and the car seats have made their way to either the downstairs or the car. The toy hammock is now hung in the corner and is happily holding a mountain of toys already. The chair and table are in place, and the room is totally ready, it just needs a baby! The only thing left on the floor is my hospital bag and pillow, so i know where they are when the time comes. Well baby, that's your cue...we're waiting!!

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...