Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hop in my ride...

In honor of the beautiful weather, i decided to take Mady out for a run today. No, i didn't make her run along next to me. I broke out the jogger stroller! I was so excited, as i dragged it up the basement stairs. I fondly remembered all our runs from last summer, how the warmth hit our faces and we strode out the highway. So i bundled her up (yes, she has her blanket and was windy, and it wasn't exactly 90 out, ya know) and off we went. Oddly enough, i don't remember this much pain last summer. It's not that i'm out of shape, because i'm not. It's just the fact that last summer, Mady weighed about 14lbs, so she wasn't that bad to push. This time, she weighs 22 lbs, and it's much heavier to push around. I never would have thought it would make that much of a difference, but apparently it does. Man, after the 3rd mile, i was pretty tired! I guess we're gonna have to take this one push at a time...hahaha, get it?!

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