Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Thirteen...

This week's Thursday thirteen, i'm doing in honor of the Olympics ending. So, in no particular order...this weeks thursday 13 is....

My 13 favorite Olympic activities (winter OR summer)
13. Nordic combined...this sport is actually pretty amazing to watch. Not only do they do ridiculously high, long jumps, but then they have to ski long distance afterwards.

12. Ice, i'm not normally a hockey fan. But watching the USA play Canada in the gold medal match really had me glued to my tv. I was actually cheering and everything. It was a truly good game to witness.

11. Figure skating...not to be confused with the ever boring Ice Dancing. Figure skating is pretty amazing to watch. And it never fails, we always go skating and i always think "some of that stuff can't be that hard to do", and then i try to twist or skate backwards and i fall on my butt. Yea, it really IS that hard.

10. Short Track...i'm not sure if its the pure speed i like, or if it's watching Apollo Anton Ohno that i like so much. It's a toss up.

9. Weight lifting...i know, i know, not something i would typically like. But there is something disturbingly entrancing about watching a woman that looks like a man with a unibrow, dead lift 3x my body weight. I don't know why...stop judging me!!

8. Rugby...there is something awesome about watching guys play a game that is a cross between soccer, football, and just plain running each other over. It's even better in person.

7. Luge/Skeleton...these have to share a number, for simple scare-a-bility. I can't say i love to watch this stuff, but it scares me to watch it so much i'm glued to me tv. It's like a scary movie. You cover your eyes, but you always peek through your fingers to see what's going to happen next. It's just so dangerous!

6. Super G...this was the really fast downhill skiing multi event thing. It was really neat to see. I never really watched it before this year.

5. Gymnastics...there is something about those height challenged, freakishly strong girls that makes you feel like you can get out there and do flips too. Or maybe just watch it at home where it's nice and safe.

4. Swimming...there is something that just gets you about swimming. It makes you want to yell at your tv "Go! Swim faster! Stroke, Stroke, Stroke!!"

3. The Marathon...i know, i know, this should be my number one. They just don't have enough coverage of it though. It's always, "there they are again, now back to you guys in the studio".

2. Snowboarding...just watching them flip like that, over 20 feet above the top of the's just crazy!

1. Track and Field...i could make this probably all 13 spots if i really were to break it down into what i love, but i'll just lump it all into this top number. It's just great, you know it and so do i!

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