Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Heavier blankets...

So Mady had daycare again yesterday. It wasn't as bad for ME as it was on monday. I didn't cry this time, so that's a good thing. And of course, she was an angel. But the daycare is kinda getting on my nerves a bit. When Frank picked her up on monday, they told him to pretty much tell me to put a bottle in her diaper bag for them. Now, i don't want them feeding her because she eats right before she goes, and she doesn't eat again until Frank picks her up because her next meal is at 5pm. Well, i thought, i won't argue, i'll just put the bottle in there and i'll make sure to tell them NOT to feed her. Ok, so that went ok...then Frank picks her up yesterday and they ask him if he would like to take her home in their blanket, since she was already wrapped in it. I think they were trying to tell us that the blanket that she's already wrapped in isn't warm enough. Personally, i think it was plenty warm to get from the warm building to the warm car, which was litterally 5 steps away, and then into the house. I'm not sure if i should be offended, like they're calling me a bad mom or what. I don't think there was anything wrong with her blanket! Frank told me to not worry about it, and to just pack the heavier blanket, and that it's not a big deal. Easier said than done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you truly are a daycare worker's worst nightmare. i read your other post about them feeding her, too, and honestly, get over it. you may be her parent, but they have a business to run, and you chose this business to put your child in. no center, even the really good ones like montessori or goddard schools, can cater solely to your child and your child alone. if your baby is fussy at the center, you need to work with them, be flexible instead of demanding. if she eats before she gets there, then change it so she can eat there instead if it helps make her more manageable. if you can't accept the fact that not everything will be done exactly your way, then feel free to stay home with your child. money may be tight, but if having your child catered to every second is the only thing you'll accept, then you'll find a way to make it happen, because it just won't happen in a center.

i'm not trying to be mean, this is just the fact of how things are. you complain that they care about your daughter being too cold. you complain if they don't care about your 'parenting styles' and want to comfort her when she's fussy. listen, they're not 'imposing their parenting styles' on you. they just happen to know better than you what needs to be done in a center setting. keep acting this way, and they'll learn to just do what they need to do to keep your baby quiet and happy, and they just won't tell you about it. would you rather that? cause that's what you'll get if you keep it up.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...