Monday, December 7, 2009

It's beginning to look (and smell) alot like Xmas...

With Christmas fast approaching, i knew i needed to get my butt in gear and get everything going that needs to be done. The first of many things on that list, is get a tree. This is one of my favorite parts of the season. We always go to our favorite tree place, we get a bow saw, we trudge through the snow and the cold until we find the perfect tree, then we (and by we i usually mean Frank) cut it down and get it shaken and wrapped and take it home. Then i decorate it with all the pretty lights and ornaments we have.

Well, this year, there are 3 of us going tree hunting. It actually wasn't as hard as i thought it might was actually pretty fun! We bundled up, since it had snowed about a foot the previous day, and we made our annual trek to Snyder's tree farm. My mom and Gary followed us this year. They decided to go with a real tree (horray!) rather than the nice, but still artificial one, they put up last year. Once there, we set off in search of the perfect tree. We wanted one that wasn't as big as years past, mostly so we have room to walk through our computer room without having to shuffle sideways. To achieve this goal, we took the measuring tape with us. Now, keep in mind, we've tried this feat every year now, and we still end up with a ginourmous tree in our house. So we trudged around for about 30min, and we finally found the perfect tree. Frank started the cut, like usual, then i took my turn. I usually only cut about 1/3 of it and then i'm tired, but this year i managed to cut 3/4 of the tree!! I am so proud of myself. When we got home, we rearranged the room and got the tree up...but we didn't get the decorations on it yet, i was way too tired once we were done.

While i was waiting for Frank to get the tree anchored to the wall and get it straightened out, i made my way to the kitchen to start the Christmas cookies. I usually make lots and lots of chocolate chip cookies, mostly because that's Frank's favorite type. I always make sure i have at least 1 batch in the fridge, ready to go. I baked 1 batch last night, and they are almost gone already!

Then i tried to get our Christmas card pictures done and out of the way. I'm not sure how they came out yet, but i guess we'll see soon!

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