Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Why is it that men don't care as much about their looks as women do?
Women work and try and strive to be skinny. They eat healthy, they diet and they exercise all year long so they look good in swimsuits, so they look sexy in dresses, so they don't gain too much weight at the holidays. They strive to look the way they did in high school. And why do they do this? So men will think they are sexy.
Men couldn't care less. They eat what they want, at any time of the day. They rarely exercise, they never diet, and they eat fatty foods like they're nothing! They think their beer-bellies are sexy, hanging over their swim trunks. The bigger the belly the funnier! They eat double helpings of desert at the holidays, too. And they couldn't care less about looking like they did in high school. Dieting is a bad word to them.
So why is it so different? Why can't women get fat and not care at all, and men have to work and worry and suffer to look sexy for us girls! Sometimes i really get mad about this, especially when i'm trying to eat healthy and exercise to try to lose all the baby weight and my wonderful husband sits on the couch eating cheesesteaks and french fries and saying to me "Why do you need to go running?! Sit here with!"
All this stemmed from our Wii fit. It gave us a Wii age and a BMI rating. I was normal. Frank was obese. He just laughed...didn't care. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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