Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Insanity, day 2...

Today i did day 2 of the Insanity workout series. I knew it was going to be tough, but i wasn't expecting what i got.

I was a little bit achy before i began today, from yesterday's workout and the 4 mile run i did afterwards, but i powered on and pushed myself anyway.

It started out with the warm-up. This wasn't your average warm-up though. This was a circuit, that you repeated 3 times, each time going faster and harder than the time before. I was pretty much puffing and covered in sweat when i was done with the warm-up! And my "coach on the couch", Frank, says to me, "Wow, is that all there is to it?!"...to which i replied, "No, that was just the warm-up".

After a stretch, the workout itself began. The workout for today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. It pretty much was 3 circuits of 4 exercises with a 30second break after each circuit. The first circuit, you learn the exercises and how to do them right, so you are working out at about a 5 of 10. The second circuit is supposed to be harder and faster, so you are at about a 8 of 10. The last circuit is supposed to be the hardest and fastest of all, and you are at about a 12 of 10. I was on the floor in some serious pain at times, i won't lie. There was even a minute where i thought, if this goes on for 10 more seconds, i'm going to puke!

After a tough workout, there was a cool down and stretch. It felt really good to stretch afterwards. It felt even better to sit down.

This workout is getting harder as the days go on. If only i could manage to eat right, i would look like a supermodel when i'm done with this!

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