Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday...err, Friday...13

I know, i know, i'm a day late again. I guess i'm just a busy woman, hahaha. Don't complain though, at least i'm doing it!

In no particular order, my Thursday Thirteen for this week is.......

13 Amish Spring Break Activities (because i see a horse and buggy everyday now on my way to work):
13. Trying to live out those fantasies of women without bonnets

12. Time to break out that secret stash of colored socks!

11. Though his name is Jebediah, for this week he'll be known as Jeb Daddy

10. Drinking molasses 'til you heave.

9. Wet bonnet contest.

8. Stuff as many guys as you can into a buggy.

7. Buttermilk kegger.

6. Blow past the Dairy Queen on a really bitchin' Clydesdale.

5. Get tattoo: "Born to Raise Barns."

4. Cruise streets of Ft. Lauderdale shouting insults at people with zippers.

3. Sleep in 'til 5 a.m.

2. Drive over to Mennonite country and kick ass.

1. Churning butter naked.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...