Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a day!!!!!

So today was one heck of a day, to say the least. It started off ok, i woke up and packed Frank's lunch, then i went back to bed for a little bit. Then when i got up, i took the dog for a run, and it went pretty well! Then i got a quick shower and left for my haircut. When i got there, i locked my doors like usual (first mistake) with the key fab and went it. When i came out and hour and a half later, i proceeded to try to unlock my door with the key fab, unsuccessfully. I stood there for about 5 min pressing this little button, trying to get my doors to unlock. Then i thought i could just open the door, setting off the alarm, and just put the key in the ignition, start it and it would stop the alarm. NO!! The alarm went off for like 5 min, thank god people were at work at this time. I closed the door, and eventually the alarm stopped. I pondered my situation with a passing mailman, who suggested that i may need to change the battery in the key fab. OK, i can do that. So, figuring i had a bit of time before i had to get to work, i walked (yes walked) the mile to the CVS and bought a new battery...differnt brand, but i thought it would work just the same. So i changed the battery and proceeded to walk the mile back up to my car. I was sure this was going to work. NO!! Nothing. So i then proceeded to sit on the curb and cry for a few minutes. Then, i got an idea. DUH STACEY, your mom has been working in Shamokin during the week, so just go to the bank and borrow her car. That way, you can get something to eat and you can just come back and sit in the bank with her for the last hour of work. So i proceeded to walk the mile BACK down to town, and the extra 400-800 meters to the bank, where she WASN'T!! What was going on? Where was she? I know by this time, you're probably saying to yourself, why didn't you just call someone to come get phone had 1/2 bar of power left, so i knew that i could only make one call and then i'd be done, so i was saving it for if everything else failed. Well, by this point it's 145pm ish, and i'm starving cuz i haven't eaten yet, and i'm stranded in Shamokin! So i thought to myself, mom has to be in Kulpmont of MCA or something, i'll just wait till 3-315 and give her a call then. Soooo, i proceeded to walk to McDonald's so i could get something to eat. Well, by the time i got there it was 215pm, and by the time i got my food and sat down, it was like 225pm, so i didn't have a long wait time. I called her house and her cell phone and no answer...but no answer meant i could call more people. I called my aunt's house, and no answer. So i waited again. At 315 i called my mom's cell and it rang. She picked up and i was like "Where ARE you!" And then the bad news...she was at a class in selinsgrove until 5, yes 5. But, luckily i had enough battery to explain to her that i was stranded and she said she would get a hold of someone to come get me...thank god my Aunt Marian was at work only a few minutes away and she agreed to come save me from a long walk home. Needless to say i missed work. When i got home, i called the Hyundai people to figure out how i could get my car home. They had me on hold for a little while "i think they were laughing at me, and trying to figure out if i was serious". Well, they eventually came back and gave me this simple thing to do to override the alarm. Would it work? And what was wrong with that SUPER key fab? Well, when Frank finally got home, we went up to the car and, of course, i had HIM try it so i wouldn't look stupid all over ya babe! Well, he did it wrong and the alarm blared again. So then we thought if we disconnected the battery and let it sit that way for a few minutes, it would clear the system and i could just drive it home. NO!! More alarm blaring! Finally, we figured out what he had done wrong the first time and he corrected it and the car was ok. Our audience was impressed, or something at least because they finally went back into their houses. At least they didn't call the cops, lol. Well, guess i can't use the key fab for a while, but at least i can get to work now :)

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