Friday, April 11, 2008

Is that Bessie riding that golf cart?

So today is the first day that i can actually admit, and see, that my belly has popped. I'm still not in that "baby bump" group yet, but i'm in the larger "turkey dinner" group. I still fit in my pants so i'm ok still, but i fear it won't be long till i'm squeezing and squirming to get in my pants. It's starting to get warmer too, so that's a step in the right direction...since i wanted to make it to shorts weather before i outgrown myself. I still can't wrap my mind around this whole "big" thing. I have been feeling more like a cow than a pregnant woman. Everyone says, "it'll come, don't worry" and "you're pregnant so you're aloud to be big if you want", but none of that makes me feel any better. In my mind i know that it's a baby and i'm supposed to grow like this and that i'm going to get much bigger before this is all over, but my eyes just see a gut and they send all these impulses to my brain that say "you better eat a salad for lunch and go for a long run...and suck in that belly to make sure it still goes in". I wonder if this is how people with an eating disorder feel?! (No, i don't have an eating disorder, i was just saying!!!) Just hold on baby, don't go growing too fast just yet.

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