Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So much for the big storm...

Well, i didn't have to go to work yesterday. There was a 2 hour early dismissal because of this "big storm" that was supposed to be coming yesterday. Well, we waited and waited and waited, and nothing really happened! I mean, yes, there was some ice and all, but no snow! What the heck. I thought this was supposed to be the worst winter in a while. All we've gotten around here is some ice and a dusting of snow. And now today i don't have work either, and i'm not going to complain about it at all...but where's the snow!! I'm dying to take Mady sleigh riding for the first time, but i can't drag her on the ice. Well, i guess i could, but i'm not going to. I could really use about 4 inches of snow, then Frank, Mady, the dogs and I could all go play in the snow. That's what i call family fun!

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Picture of the week...