Friday, January 9, 2009


So i was sitting at the computer, enjoying my free time while Mady slept on Frank. Well, she woke up and it was time to change her diaper. Frank started to change her and, for the first time in her whole 3 months, she peed all over him. Not just him, cuz she's done that before, but all over her onesie, her socks, her butt, her back, even up to her hair! It was so funny! Needless to say, we had to give her another bath today, even though she just had one last night. I know i should enjoy these little things now, because one day in the future, it will be poop, and it will NOT be fun anymore.

1 comment:

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

Ah yes, the poop will come. I think both Jeff and I have been pooped on as well as my mom! I'd much rather prefer the pee

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...