Thursday, March 3, 2011


So i know i don't blog much about the new baby. That's my fault. But sometimes i actually forget that i'm pregnant, what with all the things going on (ie moving, work, chasing around a 2 year old). It's not usually until bedtime that i even think about it.

So here is a sort-of-update update...

Baby is currently 33 weeks 5 days along today.

We had a doctors appointment yesterday, and the doctor said everything was looking good so far. He was telling me how i need to relax, not chase Mady around as much, and how many contractions i'm allowed to feel in a day before i worry. He was also telling me things in case the baby were to come early. Really?! Early?! I'll just be happy if this baby shows up on her due date!!

We don't have another appointment for 2 weeks, but then we start having appointments every week. EVERY WEEK! That means that it's just about time, and that the baby could show up any day it wants (not like it will...i'm sure i'll have to put out another eviction notice, lol)

We have the baby's room painted, and we have the crib put together. Now we're just waiting on furniture (his dad is making it for us again, it's so much nicer). Then i can put all the things away and be totally ready...well, as ready as i'm going to be.

Mady, i think, still doesn't fully understand that there is a baby on the way to live with us forever. She gets that there is a baby in mommy's tummy, and she's felt it kick and all, but i just don't think she fully understands. Then again, how do you make a 2 year old understand something like that?!

As for names, we're still pretty unsure. We have it down to about 6 choices. I know, that sounds like a lot. Well, it's worse than you think. Basically, 3 of those names are ones i like and 3 are ones Frank likes...and the lists don't cross anywhere. It's not that i don't like his names, or that he doesn't like mine, it's just that we have our top 3's and that's that. Last time around, we had 2 of our top 5's that matched at least. So i'm not sure how this is going to work out. At least we have a few weeks to work it out.

As for me, i'm starting to feel like a Thanksgiving Day float...huge and awkward. I seem to be more belly and less other places this time around, which i'm not complaining about. But some of my maternity shirts are starting to be a bit short in the front, and that can't be good, lol. The only time i'm really bothered is at night when i'm sleeping. Having to wake up and heave your belly over your body to turn or roll over is kinda a pain, but i guess it's a small price to pay. I just tell myself that it could always be worse, and there are people out there that have it much harder than i do so i should just be thankful...and i am...when i'm awake :)

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