Thursday, March 24, 2011

Doctors appointment...

So i had another doctors appointment today. I'm on the weekly schedule, which means it's getting really close to time for this little girl to arrive already!
Last week when i went, i was 1/2cm dilated and 60% effaced. That was great to me, because with Mady, i don't think i was even 25% effaced on the day they induced me!
So today when i was checked, i'm only at 1cm dilated and still 60% effaced.
I'm ok with that though. Really, i am!
I still have 23 days to go until this baby is due, and with all the new guidelines and everything for babies, they say it's best if they aren't born until 39 weeks or later anyway.
And i'm not hoping for a ridiculously early baby anyway.
At this point i'm only hoping for a due date birth, that would be nice.
Not early, not late, just on time.

I also got to see baby today, which was an unexpected surprise.
Normally, you won't get an u/s during the last month.
But since Mady did a little flip during the 36th and turned breach and we had to have a version to "fix" her, they wanted to make sure 100% that this baby was in the right position...and she is.
I got to see her lungs breathing and her heart beating, which is all together different than seeing it at the 20 week u/s. It's so much more formed and real now, just just little blobs that are moving. They look like real organs now! It was great.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...