Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Update part 4...

Well, it’s been a popular phrase in our house since we’ve moved. Yup, you guessed it…”I told you so!” And it’s been me saying that to a certain spoiled rotten adult ~cough cough, Frank, cough cough~ He doesn’t like listening to me for most things, but I think he should start. Like the latest thing that’s happened. The staph infection that he had about 5ish months ago, well, it’s back. It came back through a scratch or zit or something on his face, and all he would do is peroxide it and put band aids on it. That one went away, but it didn’t go far. Now it’s all over his legs again! I told him last week that he needed to go to the doctor ASAP and get medicine for it, but NOOOOO, why would he listen to me?! Now it’s getting bad again. So I forced him to make an appointment to see the doctor and get something for it. I think once it started to get painful for him to walk, all I really had to say was “Remember how much more it hurt when we had to go to the ER and they had to dig it out”. Thank goodness that was a ton of pain, or he’d still be limping around the house.

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