Monday, March 28, 2011

Fun day Sunday...

So yesterday, i decided it was time we should get out and rake the leaves in our yard.
I actually started raking the leaves on Friday, but i didn't finish them all.
I saw our neighbors out raking leaves and i thought that maybe i should be out raking too. I don't know these things, i'm new to this country living stuff...i didn't know if there was a certain time you SHOULD be out raking, or what. So i started.
I got a good chunk done before i was tired.
Then Sunday i did a good chunk more.
We even got almost all of the flower bed raked out (it's pretty big).
Then we bagged all the leaves and sticks and all and took them up to the woods and dumped them.
It was a lot of work...and i mean a LOT!
And we still have a small piece of the flower bed to rake out and along the fence in the front of the house.
This country living stuff is already making me tired.
And he tells me the leaves are like 10 times worse in the fall!
Mady had fun though.
She took her wheelbarrow out and was playing and running all over the place.
So even though i was tired, after her bath, she crashed and i got to relax and watch a movie.
So it was a ton of work, but i got some much needed relaxation too.

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