Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's a slow news day...

Our days have been a bit uneventful lately, not that that's a bad thing. Saturday i had a baseball game, so Frank and Mady came out with me. It was really nice out, so it was fun. We went to the mall afterwards, and just walked around (yes, it's true, i didn't buy anything!). By the time we were on our way home, it was totally pouring down rain. Needless to say, our evening was spent at home.
Yesterday we took Dakota for a haircut. For those of you who aren't completely familiar with our life, dakota is our Toy Yorkie. He needed his hair cut really badly. And seriously, he came back half the dog he left as. I wanted him to have short hair for when the warm weather gets here. He is very sensative to heat and cold, so i try to adjust his hair length accordingly. I think he looks very handsome :)
Today we are going to go vote in our local election. Mady enjoys voting, mostly because she likes to look around inside the firehouse. Maybe she'll whisper who to vote for in my ear.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...