Sunday, May 31, 2009

She works hard for the money... hard for it honey. Well, i didn't work hard FOR the money, but i sure worked hard to SPEND the money. Yesterday was supposed to be a nice, relaxing day off for me. Frank and I were supposed to do a number of different things, together. But what ended up happening was more than i could have expected. Across the street from my house is a Family Dollar store. As most of you know, they sell relatively cheap things, almost like a Dollar Tree, but they have a wide variety of name brand things like WalMart does. Well, that store apparently ran out on it's lease, and another store is going to take over. So what does that all mean, you ask? Well, it means that they were going to have a sale to get rid of stuff. This was all a rumor at first, as nobody at the store would admit there was going to be any such sale. So when i got up yesterday morning, there were about 50 cars and 150 people in the store waiting to buy things that were 75% off!! That's right, 75%! Frank, Mady and I walked over in the morning to see what all the hub-bub was all about, then we went to the bank and the farmer's market and such. On the way home, i decided that i had to go into the store and get at least something. So i walked over, and was greeted at the door by a man who said the line was an hour and a half long. Ok, i thought, i can wait that long for a really good deal. So in i went. Well, i found a bunch of stuff, and a box to put it all in, and i got in the back of the line, which was at the back of the store...litterally. Well, 2 hours later i had only moved about 15feet, as the computers had failed at the checkout, due to such a high volume. Wow, was this deal really worth it? I had called my mom when i first got in line and asked her if she needed anything, and she came over to look around, and i called my Aunt to see if she wanted anything while i was waiting in the line anyways. Well, my mom found some stuff, which i was going to get for her, and then she left for a while, thinking i would only be about an hour or so. Well, she came back about an hour later and i had only moved about 5 feet! So she went looking for more stuff, and i found a bigger box for everything. 2 more hours later, and now 2 boxes full of stuff, we were still in the same place in line. I had no idea it would be this bad, but 4 hours into it, i wasn't going anywhere. All of us together in line had starting talking, so it wasn't as bad as you would think. We were joking and laughing. And when someone in front of us would give up and just leave their stuff on the side, it was like vultures going after it! Needless to say, everyone had a ridiculous amount of stuff, which was why it was taking so veyr long at the registers. That, and they only had 2 registers and 4 people working. They totally didn't expect this many people, as they didn't advertise of anything. But seriously people, we're a small town, word of mouth is better than any advertisement you could ever get. There were people in that store from god only knows where, but somehow they heard about it and were there. The deals really were amazing. The longer we waited in line, and the more people that gave up their stuff, the more i would accumulate in my cart. Yes, that's right, my mom and i managed to snag a few carts to pile our loads of stuff into. 8 hours later, and i finally got checked out. My total was $62.11...that means i had $248.44 worth of stuff! And it was all good stuff too, from laundry detergent to dreft, cleaning products to sheets, window blinds to hair ties for Mady. I think i got it all. And they said that the place that's moving into this building will be having a similar sale when they get ready to move. I'll probably be there too, how can i pass up such a good deal?!
A view of my shopping cart
Some of my "goods"
Some of the people in front of me, and their mountains of stuff
The radio we had to open and set up to keep us sane, since there was no music and we were going CRAZY! LOL
The fat, scary man from out of town who tried to make the music die because he was cranky...some people in line yelled at him and set another radio up
The scary lady with the bi-polar dog. The dog isn't bi-polar, it's a rescue dog in training for bi-polar people. But i think this lady was bi-polar. She was barefoot, with one pant leg rolled up and the other dragging, and missing teeth!

1 comment:

The Majors said...

wow impressive....I would have given up after like a half an hour...

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...