Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our little gymnast...

Yesterday i had my weekly doctor's appointment, and everything looked good. She is growing at a great rate, and she was weighing in at 6lbs 5oz...not too big, not too small. We even got another 4D ultrasound pic, but she was so squised in there this time that it looks funny. But low and behold, our little girl was being stubborn and a gymnast, because she was breech again. So we had two options. We could wait it out and see if she would turn on her own, and if she didnt we would have to have a C-Section, or we could try to turn her manually. I, of course, opted for trying to turn her manually so i wouldn't have to have a C-Section. So today we went to the hospital...they had to do it there because they said there was about a 50% chance that turning her manually could send me into labor..great! So we got there and we managed to get her turned, but they have to monitor you for about an hour afterwards to see if you start having contractions or anything. So of course, i started having contractions. They didn't feel as bad as they were registering on the monitor. They gave me and IV of fluid to help stop them, and another hour later they stopped, so i got to come home. So needless to say, we arne't parents...just yet. Now i have to have weekly stress tests and ultrasounds to monitor the baby and her position. If she goes breech again, which there is a good chance of, they will try to turn her and then they will have to induce me so she doesn't flip again. So i guess it's just a matter of days now until she arrives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot your weekly belly pic of the little gymnast! At the rate you're going, it may be the last one before she is born. Tell Frank to stop poking her and maybe she won't be turning to get away from it, lol.

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...