Sunday, October 5, 2008


Yes, that's right, i'm officially certifiable. And to do what, you may ask?! To play with pee..that's right, pee. I am officially a wrestling weight loss assessor. Which basically means that i can assess wrestlers hydration and determine their weight classes and everything.
I wasn't going to go to the cert. class today, but i woke up and still was pregnant, so i thought i might as well get it over with so i don't have to worry about it later. The class was in Reading, so it was a bit of a drive, but Frank went with me to keep me company (and to make sure i didn't get lost). The class was supposed to be 2 hours long, but it lasted about 1 hour, and i ended up getting credits for it that i didn't think i would get, so that made me happy. I got all my paperwork and passwords, so now when i get back to work, i can play with pee! At least it's done and over with, and i don't have to worry anymore.
Now i just need this darn baby to get out of my belly already! I'm not going to work this week, since there's no telling when she'll decide to arrive. We all know what that means though, that she'll show up on Friday. But if i were to decide to go to work tomorrow or something, that would be it. I just can't take that chance though. So i am going to decorate my house for Halloween tomorrow, and i think i am going to clean a bit more...not that i want to, but i feel like i should. And i'm going to walk walk walk walk walk until i can't walk anymore. Hopefully the days won't drag...but the good news is that this is FOR SURE my last weekend without a baby. Exciting but scary.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I never really believed in the walking thing, but truly, walking and squatting, if you REALLY dedicate yourself to it, will work. You have to really walk A GREAT DEAL, though. When you feel contractions start, keep walking, stopping only for the actual contractions. Then take a nap and wait for things to pick up. :)

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...