Friday, October 3, 2008

Yes, another day

Well, i'm still pregnant! That really shouldn't shock anyone at this point, as i honestly think i'm going to be pregnant forever! I'm still trying to figure out how to make my belly a less-appealing place for baby to be. I can't show her pics of her soon to be room, so she has no idea that it's so much better there than in my belly. But nothing is coaxing her out, not raspberry tea, not spicy food, nothing!
This morning i had some pretty good cramps though. They lasted about an hour, and i couldn't sleep they were that strong. They felt like a wave from the top of my stomach to about the middle. But now they're gone. It could have been her kicking the dog away (Ecko felt the need to press himself up against me very tightly this morning). I can always hope that labor starts soon. I know Frank isn't a big fan of that, as today is his birthday. He wants her to have her own day, which is sweet, but i think today would be perfect!
Today is my last day of work. I have a home football game, so i'm not worried about going to work since there will be 2 ambulances there and lots of parents that have offered to drive me wherever and whenever i need to go. I'm pretty sure i'll know when i think it's time to leave, and i'll just go! But i really doubt today is the day. I hope i don't have to wait much longer though, especially with being off work. I will go crazy sitting around the house just wondering when it's time, and if what i'm feeling is something or nothing. I already told Frank i'm going to walk till my legs fall off, then she has no choice but to kinda just fall out. I know she is totally worth the wait, and when she finally gets here i'll be wishing for a day off...but i've already waited 277 days, doesn't mother nature think that's enough?!?!?!

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