Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I hate going to the doctor...

I used to look forward to my doctor's appointments. It was when i got to hear and see my baby, and know that i was progressing along nicely and that my day would be here soon. Now, i hate going to the doctor. It's like a dissapointment every time. I go there and they say to me "You're progressing nicely! Keep doing what you're doing" and i'm done. Seriously?! Today i had another appointment. The doctor, as usual, told me i'm progressing wonderfully for a first time mother. Funny, i don't feel like i am. I'm effacing at a wonderful speed (which means baby COULD be here at any time now), but i'm still only dilated 1-2cm. He did tell me that the dilation doesn't really mean anything, and that i could not dilate any more until i go into active labor. Ok, so that's good news i guess. Well, since i'm due in 5 days, i of course had to say "how much longer!!" He proceeded to give me the bad news. He said "You're progressing wonderfully! We don't like to help people like you along" which of course devastated me. He continued, "We would like you to go into active labor on your own, as it will be a more enjoyable experience"...are you serious?! Labor and enjoyable in the same sentence?! Then he says to me "We only induce on Tuesdays and Fridays because that's when we have the extra man power, so we'll let you go until next friday"...NEXT FRIDAY!! Can we seriously shoot me now! I don't want to be pregnant for another minute, let alone another week. I am soooo ready to be done, just get this kid out! Dam me for progressing wonderfully...dam me!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

As a mother who has been pregnant a full two weeks past her due date with a ruptured pubic bone, I am unfortunately witholding all sympathy until you are actually overdue and/or in possession of a ruptured pubic bone. LOL Just kidding-- I know the last few weeks are torture. Praying for a speedy delivery!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...