Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Screaming with a closed mouth...

Yup, you read that right. Mady has learned a new skill, which is both a blessing and a curse. She has learned to scream with her mouth closed. This new skill goes hand in hand with her new favorite thing...sucking on her bottom lip. I'm not sure where she got this one from, but it seems to be her thing now. As for the mouth closed screaming thing, it's nice because she isn't so much yelling at us at the top of her lungs. On the negative side, she is more vocal than ever (despite her muffled protests). She has decided that if we don't pay enough attention to her (ie we need to pee or blow our nose), or if we don't amuse her majesty the way she wants, she will just yell at us until we do it her way. Thus far, she is getting her way, and we pretty much just give in. I'm not sure how long this will go on, only time will tell.


I have decided that shopping for Mady is the best thing ever. There are so many options for babies, and everything is so darn cute! I'm dying for all the winter stuff to go on sale so i can buy it all up for next winter. Is that nuts of me?! I don't even look for stuff for me anymore, it's all about her. If i didnt' have to look nice for work, i don't even think i would worry about my clothes during the week anymore, i would just focus on what cute thing i could put her into. Now that she is finally starting to outgrow some of her smallest things, we can start adding new clothes to the rotation. I am thrilled! Not that she is growing before my very eyes and soon she won't be my baby baby anymore, but that i can add new things for her to wear!


On a side note, Mady still has no interest in pushing herself up with her arms. She is very very active with her legs still, but the arms are a no go. She doesn't want to roll over yet either. She can get to her side from her back if she really wants to, but that's about all. I wonder if she isn't learning as quickly as other babies. Do i need to do something more with her to help her out?! She has also started scooting in her crib. We swaddle her for bed and lay her near the top of the crib, and by about 4am she has herself unwrapped (only sometimes on this one, or else i'd be worried) and she has moved from the top of the bed down to the bottom corner. It's kinda funny. I walk in and wonder where she'll be at this morning.


On a more personal note, i've decided that i love the new show "Lie to Me", that comes on after American Idol. I heard good things about it's pilot episode on The View, so when it came on i decided to leave it on and watch. It's pretty interesting. I definately recommend watching it, but it won't be on next week due to Idol, so the week after next you should watch it.

1 comment:

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

Kaden's been sucking on his lower lip too! It's so cute when he does. And dont worry, I also spend way more money and effort on Kaden's clothes rather than my own. He's just so much more cute than me :)

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...