Thursday, February 26, 2009

Daily ponderable...

It's seems that i worry about the stupidest things on a daily basis. Everyday its something different. You'd think i'd run out of things to worry about, mostly because i've worried about just about everything under the sun...but no, i'm still going. Today i worried about Mady. That's nothing new, i worry about her all the time, but this was more of an uncontrollable thing. I worried today that Mady would never grow. She is a pretty petite girl, she's just longer than the normal baby. But she's still in 0-3 clothes, and she's almost 5 months old now. I soon realized that this was a stupid thing to worry about, because i know she'll grow eventually. I then proceeded to worry that once she hits a growth spurt, it'll be a big one and she will just magically overnight grow to a 12 month size and bypass all the cute clothes i have for her in the between sizes. I know, you're saying to yourself "Don't be so silly, she's going to grow just fine and she'll be able to wear all the cute clothes you have for her in those between sizes", but i can't help it! I know so many babies that are growing at such a bigger rate, and it kinda scares me. I really need a hobby. This is why i need warm weather to get here already, so i can begin obsessing about outside activities to do with Mady...sandboxes, swimming, mini picinics, swings, playing in the park...i can't wait!


Colleen said...

LOL I think of something new to worry about every day too.

Riley Kate wore a size 3-6 month outfit in her 1 year portrait. She is turning 5 next week and still fits, waist-wise, into size 2T clothing, but length-wise, she's in maybe 4T. She's just really small. But she's healthy!

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

I agree! We need warm weather to get here fast so we can stop loosing our minds!

Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...