Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me Monday ~ Postponed

Normally I do a Not Me! Monday post, and I know you all love it. Mckmama is the founder of this fab blog carnival, and I love participating.

Today I ask a favor instead. For those of you who follow Mckmama, you are aware of what is going on with Baby Stellan. For those of you that don't, I ask that you please go over to her blog, and catch up on what is happening.

A very brief recap of her story is that when Mckmama was pregnant, Stellan was found to have heart complications. Such severe complications, that the entire MckFamily were told by doctors that he would not survive to be born. Stellan WAS born, and not a single heart defect was found after his birth. Unfortunately, at not quite 5 months, they have returned. Stellan is in SVT, and his heart is enlarged. Doctors have told the family that his little body can't continue at this pace, so they must get his heart rate back to normal. The MckFamily needs your prayers right now.

So if you would all take the time that you would have used reading my blog, to say a little prayer for Stellan, that would be greatly appreciated. God bless you Stellan.

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