Monday, August 24, 2009

Harder than i thought...

So sunday was my only day off in the past week, so i thought i would use it to my advantage...i started packing for Alaska. I always like to pack exactly one week before we leave to go somewhere, right after i finish the laundry for that week. That way i have all of my clothes clean and ready to be picked through, and i don't have to say "crap, i wish such and such was clean", and then have to try to remember to pack it when i wash it. Doesn't work for me. My brain sometimes crashes hard, and i usually end up remembering when we are at the airport. And lots of good THAT does me, right?!

So i started with Mady's clothes, thinking that would be the easiest thing. Boy, was i wrong! It was very difficult trying to put together enough outfits without over-packing, trying to take as few things as possible. But i'm being smart about packing her clothes. I put each outfit into a gallon ziplock baggie and sucked the air out of it so it is as flat as possible and i can maximize my space in the bags. I also included in the bag, a sticky note list of what is IN the baggie, so i wouldn't have to wonder. At the bottom of each sticky note, i filled in what items that WEREN'T in the bag that would complete the case Frank decides to dress her one day, this way he won't make her look like a lost little homeless boy that doesn't match, lol. After i got everything into baggies, it was a much smaller pile, so i was happier. But getting there was quite difficult.

I think the hardest part of packing for this trip is not completely knowing what to pack. I want to pack wintery things so we don't get cold...but how cold will it really be? And what will the wind be like...will it rain? It's so difficult not knowing what weather to expect. The weather channel tells me one thing and people tell me another. I am so confused. I think we'll just pack a few things and then hopefully buy some nice things there. We were going to buy things there anyway, at least this way we will have them and we can get a head start on wearing them, lol.

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Picture of the week...

Picture of the week...