Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our beach vacation...

We spent 2 days at the beach, and let me tell you, it was wonderful. It was nice to get away from home and just relax. It was nice to sit in the sand and play in the water. It wasn't nice how Mady was whiny and didn't want to take a nap at all while we were gone, but i can live with it.

Mady wasn't a big fan of the water, which surprised me. She absolutely loves the pool, and she loves the river and the boat, but she wasn't a big fan of the ocean. I think it was because it was so loud. The waves were actually pretty big, and they were crashing on the beach pretty hard, so i guess i can see how she would be scared. As long as we were holding her, she was fine. She did, however, let us put her in the water for a bit, but we had to be right there.
My two sleepy heads
Checking out the water
Giving kisses to her mommy
Giving kisses to her daddy
Mommy and Mady, always together forever
Playing in the sand
Loving the sand in her feet
With mommy

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