Friday, February 1, 2008

But baby it's cold outside...

Today there was an ice storm that swept through the area, so i didn't have to go to work. I thought i could rest all day, but surprise surprise i couldn't. I shoveled the pavement (by the time i got out there, it was pretty much slush) and i called the doctor's office to make my first appointment. Then i thought, "ok, i can rest now", but still no! I decided i wanted to clean the downstairs and put things away. By the time i was done with everything, Frank was on his way home so i had to start dinner. I am going to enjoy eating for as long as i can before i start getting sick and not wanting to. I feel like i am spacing out lately, like i can't focus on anything for more than a few minutes. I can't wait to tell people about the baby, i almost feel like i can't hold it in anymore, but Frank and i agreed to wait until after Valentine's Day to tell family, and probably the three month mark to tell friends. That, and i need to figure out how to tell my boss that i am pregnant and i will need to take time off during FOOTBALL season. Oh well, guess i will figure that out when the time comes, right now i am just going to keep enjoying this pregnancy.

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